If you haven't watched it yet, Every Frame a Painting does a great video about texting in movies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFfq2zblGXw

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I hadn’t seen this - thanks for sharing!

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You make some interesting points! I agree that modernity dates a film, whereas vintage props, costuming and techniques can give it an edge. Imagine seeing vapes and Airpods in a film decades from now, for example. Smartphones, however, do make things awfully convenient - which makes them a terribly inconvenient plot device.

This is why I think films like Host (2020) are particularly clever, being entirely shot and set in Zoom during the pandemic. While it does date the film, it leveraged the most relatable aspects of that period to reach a wider audience while simultaneously tapping into our most ancient fears.

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Thanks Dylan!

I haven't seen Host - sounds interesting!

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"The best scene in Richard Linklater’s Hit Man (2024) revolves around Apple Notes"

Having seen it, that's true!

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Such a good scene isn’t it!

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